Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Surprising Result

A. Write about a recent movie you have seen that you enjoyed, and why you liked it.
Well, I don't like to watch movies because I think watching movies needs more than an hour, and it is wasting time. I never watch horror movies because I think I won't sleep well at night. A movie that I have enjoyed was "Kong Fu Panda 3." I think this movie was very funny, and I watched the whole series from one to three. The main character, Panda, is kind of stupid but funny. He and his friends save the whole world. I like this movie because it was not scary at all, and it was suitable for everyone to watch. I would recommend this movie to families that have little children.

 B. Write about a learning goal you have for yourself over the next year.
For me, I want to learn more about basketball and baseball terminology because I want to have a job in the NBA or MLB in the future. Therefore, my tutor brought a book named "Watch NBA MLB Learn English." In this book, it writes all the terminology for the NBA and MLB, and also some fun facts about them. Now, when I am watching a game, I will turn the language to English because it can improve my English listening, and learn more about the NBA and MLB.

C. What effect do you think playing sports has on learning? How much do you think the mind and body work together?
I think playing sports affects learning a lot. I am in the korfball team at school, and I practice korfball with my teammates. It helps me relax after a long time of study. In addition, playing korfball has helped my physical coordination become better. When we are competing outside the school, I will think of what I should do now for defense or offence. Therefore, I think playing sports can improve our learning.

D. What effect do you think playing a musical instrument has on learning a foreign language? What are some things you have noticed about good language learners
I think playing a musical instrument does improve one's ability in learning a foreign language. When you are playing an instrument, all you need to do is practice. It helps you when you are learning language because you know you need to practice to become better.

E. Would you be willing to use an audio book plus a PDF file to read any of the following books next semester?
I think I am okay with it because I have never tried audio book plus a PDF file. So, I think we can try it next semester.

Monday, October 17, 2016

My Hobby and Ender's Game

My Hobby
For me, basketball and baseball are my favorite sport, and it's also my hobby. I usually play baseball and basketball with my friends, and my friends are all good at sport. My favorite baseball teams are Uni-Lions and New York Yankees. My favorite basketball team is San Antonio Spurs.

Ender's Game
In our class 803, We're all reading Ender's Game. It was my first time to read this kind of thick novel, and it was a big challenge for me. I think Ender's Game was interesting to read because it has some funny things in it. Also, sometimes the novel have some funny words, and made the novel creative. That's why I like Ender's Game.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ender's Game

          1)Compare what you have seen or read in the Ender's Game book to whatever you have seen in the movie. Can you say a few differences in a scene or in the whole thing? What are some things the movie can do that the book cannot easily do? Or what are some things the book does better, in your opinion?
          A: I think the book describes more reactions than the movie. For example, when Ender and the bully are fighting, Ender only kicks his face or belly. But in the book, it describes in a more exaggerated way how Ender kicks the bully's important parts. Also, when Ender was going to Battle School, his parents and Valentine burst into tears. But in movie it just shows them crying for a few seconds.
          P.S. I think in the movie Valentine was very pretty. Ha-ha 


          A. MANIPULATION- I think the adults always tell Ender lies is because they think Ender is still young, and he does not need to know some complicated things. The adults just want Ender to focus on Battle School and defeat the buggers. I think adults saying lies to children is not wrong, and whether that lying is wrong or not depends on what kinds of things they are lying about. For example, adults will lie to children about the Santa Claus is coming on the Christmas. Another one is eating watermelon with seed will grow one big watermelon in your belly. Therefore, I think adults lie to children is acceptable sometimes.
              B. COMPETITION- I think organizing young people and let them fight together is a good and also a bad choice. If they are friends, then maybe they will try not to hurt each other. But if they don't know each other, it would be a good choice because it can train them on what they should do during the fight, and it can make them have more experience with fighting.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Favorite food for Mid-Autumn Festival

Favorite food for Mid-Autumn Festival:

1) sweet moon cakes
2) moon cakes with an egg inside
3) sun cakes or other other sweet things
4) zong zi (sticky rice wrapped in bamboo)
5) Big Mac
6) bar-be-qued chicken
7) bar-be-qued corn 
8) hot dogs
9) I'm on a diet so don't ask me!

My Answers are 5(Big Mac) and 6(bar-be-qued chicken). I like to eat fast foods like McDonald's and MOS Burger, and I think Big Macs are a good choice for Mid-Autumn Festival! Ha-ha. In addition, in my family, we would have a barbecue party every Mid-Autumn Festival, and the yummiest one is always barbecued chicken. Therefore, I choose numbers 5 and  6 for my favorite food for Mid-Autumn Festival!  :)