Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ender's Game

          1)Compare what you have seen or read in the Ender's Game book to whatever you have seen in the movie. Can you say a few differences in a scene or in the whole thing? What are some things the movie can do that the book cannot easily do? Or what are some things the book does better, in your opinion?
          A: I think the book describes more reactions than the movie. For example, when Ender and the bully are fighting, Ender only kicks his face or belly. But in the book, it describes in a more exaggerated way how Ender kicks the bully's important parts. Also, when Ender was going to Battle School, his parents and Valentine burst into tears. But in movie it just shows them crying for a few seconds.
          P.S. I think in the movie Valentine was very pretty. Ha-ha 


          A. MANIPULATION- I think the adults always tell Ender lies is because they think Ender is still young, and he does not need to know some complicated things. The adults just want Ender to focus on Battle School and defeat the buggers. I think adults saying lies to children is not wrong, and whether that lying is wrong or not depends on what kinds of things they are lying about. For example, adults will lie to children about the Santa Claus is coming on the Christmas. Another one is eating watermelon with seed will grow one big watermelon in your belly. Therefore, I think adults lie to children is acceptable sometimes.
              B. COMPETITION- I think organizing young people and let them fight together is a good and also a bad choice. If they are friends, then maybe they will try not to hurt each other. But if they don't know each other, it would be a good choice because it can train them on what they should do during the fight, and it can make them have more experience with fighting.

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